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How to unwrap a BNSx name

You can use Dots to convert a BNSx name back to BNS. This process is referred to as "unwrapping" a name. To learn more, check out the protocol docs for wrapping names.

To unwrap a name, first log in to Dots and view your names. Next to the BNSx name you want to unwrap, select the "edit" button on the right-hand side. On mobile, tap the avatar next to the name.

This page will show you details about your name. Click the "unwrap" button.

By default, the address that owns the BNSx name will receive the BNS name.

When you hit the "unwrap" button on this page, you'll see a popup that prompts you to sign a transaction. After you approve the transaction, the page will show the status of your transaction. Once the transaction is confirmed, you'll have the BNS name in your account.

How to send the BNS name to a different address

If you already own a BNS name on the address you're logged in with, the unwrap page will prevent you from creating the transaction. This is because each address can only own a single BNS name.

In this case, you can specify a different recipient address that you want to receive the BNS name. Check the box next to "send to a different address" and then enter the Stacks address or BNS name (either BNS or BNSx).